International Presentation of the Charter of Greek Universities for Sustainable Development (2022-2030)

The Charter of Greek Universities for Sustainable Development was presented during the 9th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference.
The Greek Universities Rectors' Conference, which collectively co-signs the present Charter, is fully aware of the increasing importance of the role that Greek Universities are called to play in ensuring a sustainable future at national and international levels, embraces the principles of Sustainable Development, the International Treaties and agreements on the (17) SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, the European Green Deal, the Digital Transition, the Decades of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and Ocean Literacy (2021-2030), as well as the outcomes of relevant International and Regional Conferences on Education for Sustainable Development, and is committed to the appropriate harmonization of the programs and actions of Greek Universities towards these principles.
Discover the comprehensive and current information on the Charter, along with insightful recommendations for future progress, in the attached file.